about me.

I figure that since this is my blog and all, you may want to know a little something about me. You know, my thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes, just some stuff to get a feel of how my mind works, or why I may say something that I did.So, here goes..

Organized. I like to write things down and know where stuff goes. This obviously doesn't count for my room, bathroom, and closet though. Those places are constantly messy.

Family-oriented. I have a fairly big family compared to the average American home. I live with my parents, older brother, younger sister, and twin sister. Plus my two adorable dogs (:

"Girly." I like to buy clothes, put together outfits, do my hair, play with make-up. Sue me.

Cheerleader. I cheer for my small town high school and our small county's all star squad. It may not seem like a lot, but somehow it takes over my time.

Baker. I may not be a fantastic chef, but I sure can make any dessert you want me too. It's a dangerous hobby of mine.

Slightly awkward. Self explanatory. 

Size? Well, at a height of about five one and a half, I'm not exactly what you might call, "tall." My feet are about a size seven and three quarters. Too bad they don't make that size. I'm not extremely large or extremely tiny, but I'm just about "average."

OH! I'm also a freshman at a high school that graduates eighty in my class- and I have a large class. Yep, teeny tiny.

This is me. If you'd like to know more, go read my blog (:
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